Selected as ‘Young Scientist’ by the International Union of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, India in 1994. Awarded BOYSCAST Fellowship by Govt of India for research in genetic engineering at University of Virginia, USA in 1998. Norman E Borlaug Fellow (USDA) for advanced training in Biosafety of Genetically modified Food at Iowa State University, USA (April – June, 2008). Regional Editor for journal Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants (2001-2003). Editorial board member of Journal Biopesticides International (2004-2006) and Indian Journal Natural Products and Resources (IJNPR). Honorary fellow of (FSSE) of Society of Science and Environment (2007) and Maharashtra Academy of Sciences (2013). Peer Team member for NAAC, Bangalore (2002-07, 2010-2015)Have been a Member of Senate, Academic Council and Management Council, NMU, Jalgaon (2011-2015), and Chairman, BoS in Life Sciences, NMU, Jalgaon (2010-2015). Best Teacher Award, Govt. of Maharashtra, (2009-10).Director, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), NMU, Jalgaon (2009-2011). Nominated member by the Hon’ble Governor of Maharashtra State to Board of Management of
YCMOU, Nasik (2014-2017).Campus Representative, United State India Educational Foundation, New Delhi. Coordinator, NAAC Steering Committee of the university for the 4th cycle of assessment. Have 115 research publications in national and international scientific journals. Attended more than 20 national and international conferences. Developed and transferred one technology to a local industry. Have been granted one Indian Patent (Patent registration No. 207131). Completed 15 research projects funded by various central government funding agencies. 22 Ph.Ds awarded under my supervision so far and 02 are registered at present. Research interests : Plant Biotechnology and Biopesticides, protein chemistry